Gratitude & Community
As a daycare owner for 13 years and a mother it was natural to put my needs last. One day I was working alone at the daycare, I became dizzy and I almost down the stairs. That experience in 2009 was one of my wake up calls to better self-care. We are responsible for our physical and mental health. We are responsible for our lives. Now I teach parents, especially single moms how to put themselves first and parent healthy without guilt. I empower women to know and see their worth, become bold, confident and to love themselves. I want women to know that they MATTER, they’re WORTH IT, and you that they GOT WHAT IT TAKES to create that healthy balance lifestyle. Maya Angelou says, “If you are always trying to be normal you would never know how amazing you are.” So, I enable women to challenge themselves, and maximize their awesomeness. In addition, I enable women to know that their determination to overcome circumstances tells their children that they should never let anyone or anything make them quit and having their best life (page 25 of my book #Cherish Your Mistakes ~ There is Hope).
Women Empowerment
There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside of you. ~ Maya Angelou ~
If you don’t like something, change it.
If you can’t change it, change your attitude.
Don’t complain. ~ Maya Angelou ~
That is my goal, to be unapologetic about surrounding myself with only quality people who believes in uplifting and empowering each other.
Love for People
Raised by farmers, my grandparents, they taught me the value of love, people, and community; in addition, the importance of unity.
I also inherited their passion for giving, positivity, and food. Obama says, we are the change we seek.
Proud Moments
Words are seed so, plant the words that you would like to produce in your life.
A personal quote I wrote says, “gratitude is the door to your next level, the ladder to greatness and the medicine to good health – happiness ~Phiona
Thanks to CTV Your Morning for this epic start to 2021~ the best is yet to come.